Emilios Christodoulidis, The Redress of Law
From a legal-philosophical point of view, The Redress of Law presents a critical analysis of a number of related doctrinal fields: constitutional, labour and EU Law. Focusing on the organisation and protection of work, this book asks what it means to protect work as an essential aspect of human (individual and collective) flourishing. This is an ambitious and highly sophisticated intervention in contemporary academic and political debates around a set of critically important questions connected to processes of globalisation and market integration. The author redefines the nature of legal and political thought in an age in which market rationality has exceeded its classic domain and has come to pervade the organization of social and political life. This restatement of critical legal theory is intended to defend the concept of constitutionalism and suggest new ways to deploy the law strategically.
Ruth Dukes and Wolfgang Streeck, Democracy at Work
In the countries of the global North, workplace democracy may be thought of as a thing of the past. Increasingly, working relations are regulated primarily by contract; workforces are fissured and fragmented. What are the consequences of this? How should we respond?
Ruth Dukes and Wolfgang Streeck argue that the time is ripe to restate the principles of industrial democracy and citizenship for the post-industrial era. Considering developments within political economy, employment relations and labour law since the post-war decades, they trace the rise of globalization and the progressive insulation of working relations from democratic governance. What these developments amount to, they argue, is an urgent need for political intervention to tame the new world of ‘gigging’ and other forms of highly precarious work. This, according to the authors, will require far-reaching institution-building designed to fill legal concepts such as ‘employment’ with political substance. |
Ruth Dukes, Marco Goldoni and Emilios Christodoulidis (eds.), Research Handbook on Critical Legal Theory
Critical theory, characteristically linked with the politics of theoretical engagement, covers the manifold of the connections between theory and praxis. This thought-provoking Research Handbook captures the broad range of those connections as far as legal thought is concerned and retains an emphasis both on the politics of theory, and on the notion of theoretical engagement. The first part examines the question of definition and tracks the origins and development of critical legal theory along its European and North American trajectories. The second part looks at the thematic connections between the development of legal theory and other currents of critical thought such as; Feminism, Marxism, Critical Race Theory, varieties of post-modernism, as well as the various ‘turns’ (ethical, aesthetic, political) of critical legal theory. The third and final part explores particular fields of law, addressing the question how the field has been shaped by critical legal theory, or what critical approaches reveal about the field, with the clear focus on opportunities for social transformation.
Scott Veitch, Emilios Christodoulidis, and Marco Goldoni, Jurisprudence: Themes and Concepts (4th edn)
Jurisprudence: Themes and Concepts offers an original introduction to, and critical analysis of, the central themes studied in jurisprudence courses.
The book is organised in three parts: Part I sets out the key elements of modern law and their relation to political, economic, and social conditions. Part II presents competing accounts of the nature of legal validity, legality, legal reasoning, and justice. Part III contains advanced topics including chapters on legal pluralism, law and disciplinary power, and law and the Anthropocene. This fourth edition has been fully revised and updated to take into account the latest developments in jurisprudential scholarship. Accessible, interdisciplinary and socially informed, Jurisprudence: Themes and Concepts is essential reading for all students of jurisprudence and legal philosophy. |
Goldoni, M (ed) (2020) Costantino Mortati. La teoria del potere costituente, Quodlibet, Macerata.
Goldoni, M and Croce, M (2020) The Legacy of Pluralism: The Continental Jurisprudence of Santi Romano, Carl Schmitt, and Costantino Mortati, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
Christodoulidis, E, Dukes, R and Goldoni, M (2019) Research Handbook in Critical Legal Theory Edward Elgar Publishing.
Chadwick, A. (2018) Law and the Political Economy of World Hunger. Oxford University Press.
Veitch, S., Christodoulidis, E. and Goldoni, M. (2018) Jurisprudence. Themes and Concepts [3rd ed.].Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).
Goldoni, M. and McCorkindale, C. (Eds.) (2017) Arendt and Law. Series: Philosophers and law. Routledge.
Goldoni M, A. Johnson Cornell (eds) (2017), National and Regional Parliaments in the EU-Legislative Procedure Post-Lisbon, Hart Publishing.
Goldoni, M (ed) (2020) Costantino Mortati. La teoria del potere costituente, Quodlibet, Macerata.
Goldoni, M and Croce, M (2020) The Legacy of Pluralism: The Continental Jurisprudence of Santi Romano, Carl Schmitt, and Costantino Mortati, Stanford University Press, Stanford.
Christodoulidis, E, Dukes, R and Goldoni, M (2019) Research Handbook in Critical Legal Theory Edward Elgar Publishing.
Chadwick, A. (2018) Law and the Political Economy of World Hunger. Oxford University Press.
Veitch, S., Christodoulidis, E. and Goldoni, M. (2018) Jurisprudence. Themes and Concepts [3rd ed.].Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).
Goldoni, M. and McCorkindale, C. (Eds.) (2017) Arendt and Law. Series: Philosophers and law. Routledge.
Goldoni M, A. Johnson Cornell (eds) (2017), National and Regional Parliaments in the EU-Legislative Procedure Post-Lisbon, Hart Publishing.
Journal Articles
Ioannou, G. and Dukes, R. (2021) Anything goes? Exploring the limits of employment law in UK hospitality and catering. Industrial Relations Journal, 52(3), pp. 255-269.
Goldoni, M. , Miola, I. Z., Chadwick, A. , Picciotto, S. and Pistor, K. (2021) Katharina Pistor’s The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality. Social and Legal Studies, 30(2), pp. 291-326.
Farmer, L. (2021) The ‘market’ in criminal law theory. Modern Law Review, (Accepted for Publication)
Marzal, T. (2021) Quantum (in)justice: rethinking the calculation of compensation and damages in ISDS. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 22(2), pp. 249-312.
Christodoulidis, E. and Goldoni, M. (2020) Introduction: Chile’s ‘constituent moment’. Law and Critique, 31(1), pp. 1-5.
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2020) Labour constitutions and occupational communities: social norms and legal norms at work. Journal of Law and Society, 47(4), pp. 612-638.
Bogg, A. and Dukes, R. (2020) Statutory interpretation and the limits of a human rights approach: Royal Mail Group Ltd v Communication Workers Union. Industrial Law Journal, 49(3), pp. 477-492.
Dukes, R. (2020) Regulating gigs. Modern Law Review, 83(1), pp. 217-228.
Farmer, L. (2020) Crime and Punishment. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 14(2), pp. 289-298.
Farmer, L. (2020) Civil order, markets, and the intelligibility of the criminal law. University of Toronto Law Journal, 70(S1), pp. 123-140.
Goldoni, M. and Wilkinson, M. A. (2020) La Constitución material. Revista de Estudios Políticos, 187, pp. 13-42.
Goldoni, M. and Wilkinson, M. A. (2020) La costituzione materiale. Fattori ordinanti e rilevanza epistemologica. Rivista di diritti comparati, 2020(1), pp. 55-96.
Marzal, T. (2020) Making sense of the use of proportionality in the Bunderverfassunsgericht’s PSPP decision. Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2020(2), pp. 441-452.
Moncrieff, L. (2020) In the air of the natural history museum: on corporate entanglement and responsibility in uncontained times. Law and Critique, 31(3), pp. 253-273.
Moncrieff, L. (2020) Law, scale, anti-zooming, and corporate short-termism. Law, Culture and the Humanities, 16(1), pp. 103-126.
Dukes, R. (2019) The economic sociology of labour law. Journal of Law and Society, 46(3), pp. 396-422.
Farmer, L. (2019) Making the modern criminal law: a response. Jurisprudence, 10(1), pp. 110-113.
Goldoni, M. (2019) The charisma of the European Central Bank: from political sacrifice to monetary ritual. Verfassung in Recht und Ubersee, 52(3), pp. 348-365.
Goldoni, M. (2019) Introduction to the material study of global constitutional law. Global Constitutionalism, 8(1), pp. 71-93.
Goldoni, M. and McCorkindale, C. (2019) Three waves of political constitutionalism. King's Law Journal, 30(1), pp. 74-96.
Marzal, T. (2019) L'État de droit et les valeurs du droit de l’Union européenne dans le débat sur l’indépendance de la Catalogne. Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2018(3), pp. 467-481.
Marzal, T. (2019) Le droit constitutionnel à la protection juridictionnelle effective comme garantie de l’application du droit de l’Union. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 2019(1), pp. 205-210.
Chilovi, S. and Pavlakos, G. (2019) Law-determination as grounding: a common grounding framework for jurisprudence. Legal Theory, 25(1), pp. 53-76.
Chadwick, A. (2018) Gambling on hunger? The right to adequate food and commodity derivatives trading. Human Rights Law Review, 18(2), pp. 233-265.
Chadwick, A. (2018) Commodity derivatives, contract law, and food security. Transnational Legal Theory, 9(3-4), pp. 371-385.
Christodoulidis, E. (2018) Labour constitutionalism in a genealogical key. Jurisprudence, 9(2), pp. 413-417.
Dukes, R. (2018) From the labour constitution to an economic sociology of labour law. Jurisprudence, 9(2), pp. 418-423.
Dukes, R. (2018) Introduction to Special Issue, Labour Laws and Labour Markets: New Methodologies. Social and Legal Studies, 27(4), pp. 407-413.
Farmer, L. (2018) Thinking about (hidden) criminalisation. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 7(3), pp. 4-8.
Goldoni, M. and Wilkinson, M. (2018) Introdução à constituição material. Revista da Faculdade de Direito UFPR, 63(3), pp. 265-299.
Goldoni, M. (2018) Alain Supiot. Governance by Numbers. The Making of a Legal Model of Allegiance. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 16(3), pp. 1041-1043. [Book Review]
Goldoni, M. (2018) El carisma simbólico de la Banca Central: del sacrificio a los ritos. UNA: Revista de Derecho, 3.
Goldoni, M. (2018) Assessing national parliaments after the Euro crisis: resignation, adaptation, and reaction. Politique europeenne, 59, pp. 218-230.
Goldoni, M. and Wilkinson, M. A. (2018) The material constitution. Modern Law Review, 81(4), pp. 567-597.
Marzal, T. (2018) Is International Law International? par Anthea Roberts, Oxford University Press, 2017, 406 pages. Revue Critique de Droit International Privé(4), pp. 1025-1029. [Book Review]
Marzal, T. (2018) Droit compare et territorialite du droit, Cycle de conferences du Conseil d'Etat. Revue Critique de Droit International Privé(2), pp. 380-383. [Book Review]
Marzal, T. (2018) David W. Kennedy, A World of Struggle. How Power, Law and Expertise Shape Global Political Economy. Revue Critique de Droit International Privé(1), pp. 167-169. [Book Review]
Chadwick, A. (2017) Regulating excessive speculation: commodity derivatives and the global food crisis. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 66(3), pp. 625-655.
Chadwick, A. (2017) World hunger, the ‘global’ food crisis and (international) law. Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 14(1), 4.
Christodoulidis, E. (2017) Social rights constitutionalism: an antagonistic endorsement. Journal of Law and Society, 44(1), pp. 123-149.
Dukes, R. (2017) Identifying the purposes of labour law: Discussion of Guy Davidov's A Purposive Approach to Labour Law. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, 16(1), pp. 52-67.
Dukes, R. (2017) Otto Kahn-Freund: A Weimar Life. Modern Law Review, 80(6), pp. 1164-1177.
Dukes, R. (2017) International labour rights: legitimising the international legal order? University of Toronto Law Journal, 67(4), pp. 544-568.
Farmer, L. (2017) Book review: Crime: The Mystery of the Common Sense Concept. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 17(3), pp. 358-359. [Book Review]
Farmer, L. (2017) Making the modern criminal law: a response. Critical Analysis of Law, 4(1), pp. 53-60.
Goldoni, M. (2017) A proposito di the cosmopolitan constitution di Alexander Somek: lo stato della constituzione cosmopolita. Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico = Public Law Quarterly Review, 2017(4), pp. 897-905.
Goldoni, M. (2017) The limits of legal accountability of the European Central Bank. George Mason Law Review, 24(2).
Marzal, T. (2017) From Hercules to Pareto: Of bathos, proportionality, and EU law. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 15(3), pp. 621-648.
Marzal, T. (2017) La Cour de cassation à 'l'âge de la balance'. Analyse critique et comparative de la proportionnalité comme forme de raisonnement. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil(4), pp. 789-810.
Moncrieff, L. (2017) Trumpism and being in worlds that fall between worlds. Law and Critique, 28(2), pp. 127-133.
Pavlakos, G. (2017) From a pluralism of grounds to proto-legal relations: accounting for the grounds of obligations of justice. Ratio Juris, 30(1), pp. 59-74.
Ioannou, G. and Dukes, R. (2021) Anything goes? Exploring the limits of employment law in UK hospitality and catering. Industrial Relations Journal, 52(3), pp. 255-269.
Goldoni, M. , Miola, I. Z., Chadwick, A. , Picciotto, S. and Pistor, K. (2021) Katharina Pistor’s The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality. Social and Legal Studies, 30(2), pp. 291-326.
Farmer, L. (2021) The ‘market’ in criminal law theory. Modern Law Review, (Accepted for Publication)
Marzal, T. (2021) Quantum (in)justice: rethinking the calculation of compensation and damages in ISDS. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 22(2), pp. 249-312.
Christodoulidis, E. and Goldoni, M. (2020) Introduction: Chile’s ‘constituent moment’. Law and Critique, 31(1), pp. 1-5.
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2020) Labour constitutions and occupational communities: social norms and legal norms at work. Journal of Law and Society, 47(4), pp. 612-638.
Bogg, A. and Dukes, R. (2020) Statutory interpretation and the limits of a human rights approach: Royal Mail Group Ltd v Communication Workers Union. Industrial Law Journal, 49(3), pp. 477-492.
Dukes, R. (2020) Regulating gigs. Modern Law Review, 83(1), pp. 217-228.
Farmer, L. (2020) Crime and Punishment. Criminal Law and Philosophy, 14(2), pp. 289-298.
Farmer, L. (2020) Civil order, markets, and the intelligibility of the criminal law. University of Toronto Law Journal, 70(S1), pp. 123-140.
Goldoni, M. and Wilkinson, M. A. (2020) La Constitución material. Revista de Estudios Políticos, 187, pp. 13-42.
Goldoni, M. and Wilkinson, M. A. (2020) La costituzione materiale. Fattori ordinanti e rilevanza epistemologica. Rivista di diritti comparati, 2020(1), pp. 55-96.
Marzal, T. (2020) Making sense of the use of proportionality in the Bunderverfassunsgericht’s PSPP decision. Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2020(2), pp. 441-452.
Moncrieff, L. (2020) In the air of the natural history museum: on corporate entanglement and responsibility in uncontained times. Law and Critique, 31(3), pp. 253-273.
Moncrieff, L. (2020) Law, scale, anti-zooming, and corporate short-termism. Law, Culture and the Humanities, 16(1), pp. 103-126.
Dukes, R. (2019) The economic sociology of labour law. Journal of Law and Society, 46(3), pp. 396-422.
Farmer, L. (2019) Making the modern criminal law: a response. Jurisprudence, 10(1), pp. 110-113.
Goldoni, M. (2019) The charisma of the European Central Bank: from political sacrifice to monetary ritual. Verfassung in Recht und Ubersee, 52(3), pp. 348-365.
Goldoni, M. (2019) Introduction to the material study of global constitutional law. Global Constitutionalism, 8(1), pp. 71-93.
Goldoni, M. and McCorkindale, C. (2019) Three waves of political constitutionalism. King's Law Journal, 30(1), pp. 74-96.
Marzal, T. (2019) L'État de droit et les valeurs du droit de l’Union européenne dans le débat sur l’indépendance de la Catalogne. Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2018(3), pp. 467-481.
Marzal, T. (2019) Le droit constitutionnel à la protection juridictionnelle effective comme garantie de l’application du droit de l’Union. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 2019(1), pp. 205-210.
Chilovi, S. and Pavlakos, G. (2019) Law-determination as grounding: a common grounding framework for jurisprudence. Legal Theory, 25(1), pp. 53-76.
Chadwick, A. (2018) Gambling on hunger? The right to adequate food and commodity derivatives trading. Human Rights Law Review, 18(2), pp. 233-265.
Chadwick, A. (2018) Commodity derivatives, contract law, and food security. Transnational Legal Theory, 9(3-4), pp. 371-385.
Christodoulidis, E. (2018) Labour constitutionalism in a genealogical key. Jurisprudence, 9(2), pp. 413-417.
Dukes, R. (2018) From the labour constitution to an economic sociology of labour law. Jurisprudence, 9(2), pp. 418-423.
Dukes, R. (2018) Introduction to Special Issue, Labour Laws and Labour Markets: New Methodologies. Social and Legal Studies, 27(4), pp. 407-413.
Farmer, L. (2018) Thinking about (hidden) criminalisation. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 7(3), pp. 4-8.
Goldoni, M. and Wilkinson, M. (2018) Introdução à constituição material. Revista da Faculdade de Direito UFPR, 63(3), pp. 265-299.
Goldoni, M. (2018) Alain Supiot. Governance by Numbers. The Making of a Legal Model of Allegiance. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 16(3), pp. 1041-1043. [Book Review]
Goldoni, M. (2018) El carisma simbólico de la Banca Central: del sacrificio a los ritos. UNA: Revista de Derecho, 3.
Goldoni, M. (2018) Assessing national parliaments after the Euro crisis: resignation, adaptation, and reaction. Politique europeenne, 59, pp. 218-230.
Goldoni, M. and Wilkinson, M. A. (2018) The material constitution. Modern Law Review, 81(4), pp. 567-597.
Marzal, T. (2018) Is International Law International? par Anthea Roberts, Oxford University Press, 2017, 406 pages. Revue Critique de Droit International Privé(4), pp. 1025-1029. [Book Review]
Marzal, T. (2018) Droit compare et territorialite du droit, Cycle de conferences du Conseil d'Etat. Revue Critique de Droit International Privé(2), pp. 380-383. [Book Review]
Marzal, T. (2018) David W. Kennedy, A World of Struggle. How Power, Law and Expertise Shape Global Political Economy. Revue Critique de Droit International Privé(1), pp. 167-169. [Book Review]
Chadwick, A. (2017) Regulating excessive speculation: commodity derivatives and the global food crisis. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 66(3), pp. 625-655.
Chadwick, A. (2017) World hunger, the ‘global’ food crisis and (international) law. Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, 14(1), 4.
Christodoulidis, E. (2017) Social rights constitutionalism: an antagonistic endorsement. Journal of Law and Society, 44(1), pp. 123-149.
Dukes, R. (2017) Identifying the purposes of labour law: Discussion of Guy Davidov's A Purposive Approach to Labour Law. Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies, 16(1), pp. 52-67.
Dukes, R. (2017) Otto Kahn-Freund: A Weimar Life. Modern Law Review, 80(6), pp. 1164-1177.
Dukes, R. (2017) International labour rights: legitimising the international legal order? University of Toronto Law Journal, 67(4), pp. 544-568.
Farmer, L. (2017) Book review: Crime: The Mystery of the Common Sense Concept. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 17(3), pp. 358-359. [Book Review]
Farmer, L. (2017) Making the modern criminal law: a response. Critical Analysis of Law, 4(1), pp. 53-60.
Goldoni, M. (2017) A proposito di the cosmopolitan constitution di Alexander Somek: lo stato della constituzione cosmopolita. Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico = Public Law Quarterly Review, 2017(4), pp. 897-905.
Goldoni, M. (2017) The limits of legal accountability of the European Central Bank. George Mason Law Review, 24(2).
Marzal, T. (2017) From Hercules to Pareto: Of bathos, proportionality, and EU law. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 15(3), pp. 621-648.
Marzal, T. (2017) La Cour de cassation à 'l'âge de la balance'. Analyse critique et comparative de la proportionnalité comme forme de raisonnement. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Civil(4), pp. 789-810.
Moncrieff, L. (2017) Trumpism and being in worlds that fall between worlds. Law and Critique, 28(2), pp. 127-133.
Pavlakos, G. (2017) From a pluralism of grounds to proto-legal relations: accounting for the grounds of obligations of justice. Ratio Juris, 30(1), pp. 59-74.
Book Chapters
Marzal, T. (2022) From world actor to local community: territoriality and the scope of application of EU law. In: Azoulai, L. (ed.) European Union Law and Forms of Life: Madness or Malaise? Hart. (In Press)
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2021) Post-industrial justice: normativity and empiricism in a changing world of work. In: van Seters, P. (ed.) The Anthem Companion to Philip Selznick. Anthem Press.
Dukes, R. (2021) The politics of method in the field of labour law. In: Bartl, M., Cebulak, P. and Lawrence, J. (eds.) The Politics of European Legal Research: Behind the Method. Edward Elgar.
Dukes, R. (2021) Il lavoro e la costituzione. In: Caruso, C. and Valentini, C. (eds.) Grammatica del Costituzionalismo. Il Mulino.
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2021) From social norms to legal norms: regulating work in post-neoliberal political economies. In: Kaneff, D. and Endres, K. W. (eds.) Explorations in Economic Anthropology. Berghahn Books, pp. 134-144.
Farmer, L. (2021) Responsibility, criminalisation and political economy. In: Solanke, I. (ed.) On Crime, Society and Responsibility. Oxford University Press.
Pavlakos, G. (2021) A non-naturalist account of law’s place in reality. In: Brożek, B., Hage, J. and Vincent, N. (eds.) Law and Mind: A Survey of Law and the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge University Press.
Christodoulidis, E (2020) ‘The Myth of Democratic Governance’ in Poul Kjaer (ed) The Law of Political Economy. Cambridge University Press
Christodoulidis, E (2020) Simone Weil’s Poem of Force and the Meaning of Courage, in Samantha Besson and Samuel Jubé, (eds) Concerter les Civilisations. Paris: Seuil
Dukes, R (2020) ‘The liberal socialist tradition in UK labour law’. In: Bogg, A., Rowbottom, J. and Young, A.L. (eds.) The Constitution of Social Democracy. Hart Publishing.
Goldoni, M. (2020) Il momento ordinante. In: Goldoni, M. (ed.) La teoria del potere costituente. Quodlibet: Rome, pp. 9-26.
Pavlakos, G (2020) Redrawing the legal relation. In: Fabra-Zamora, J.L. (ed.) Jurisprudence in a Globalized World. Edward Elgar, pp. 174-195.
Christodoulidis, E, (2019) ‘Critical Theory and the Law’ in Christodoulidis, Dukes, Goldoni (eds.) Research Handbook on Critical legal Theory Edward Elgar publishing. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3245411
Christodoulidis, E. and Goldoni, M. (2019) Marxism and the political economy of law. In: Christodoulidis, E., Dukes, R. and Goldoni, M. (eds.) Research Handbook in Critical Legal Theory. Edward Elgar.
Christodoulidis, E, (2019) ‘”Les mots du droit” et le monde vécu’ in Alain Supiot (ed) Mondialisation ou globalisation? Les leçons de Simone Weil. Editions du Collège de France.
Christodoulidis, E. (2019) The ILO and the new ‘common sense’: reflections on a centenary. In: Bungenberg, M., Krajewski, M., Tams, C. J., Terhechte, J. P. and Ziegler, A. R. (eds.) European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2019. Series: European yearbook of international economic law (10). Springer: Cham, pp. 35-52.
Dukes, R. (2019) Critical Labour law: Then and Now. In: Christodoulidis, E., Dukes, R. and Goldoni, M. (eds.) Research Handbook in Critical Legal Theory. Edward Elgar.
Dukes, R. (2019) Insiders, Outsiders and Conflicts of Interest. In: Ashiagbor, D. (ed.) Re-Imagining Labour Law for Development: Informal Work in the Global North and South. Hart.
Farmer, L “Trafficking, the Anti-Slavery Project and the Making of the Modern Criminal Law” in R Haverkamp, E Herlin-Karnell & C Lernestedt (eds), What’s Wrong with Human Trafficking (Hart Publishing, 2019)
Farmer, L “Wrongs” (with C Kennedy) in P Goodrich (ed), A Cultural History of Law in the Early Modern Age, 1500-1680 (Bloomsbury, 2019)
Farmer, L. (2019) 'Subverting the Settled Order of Things’: The crime of sedition in Scotland, 1793-1849. In: Davis, M. T., McLeod, E. and Pentland, G. (eds.) Political Trials in the Age of Revolutions: Britain and the North Atlantic, 1793—1848. Series: Palgrave histories of policing, punishment and justice. Palgrave: Cham.
Goldoni, M. and McCorkindale, C. (2019) Political constitutionalism. In: Sellers, M. and Kirste, S. (eds.) Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Springer: Netherlands.
Goldoni, M. (2019) From structure to integration: the trajectory of the material constitution. In: Jouin, C. (ed.) La constitution matérielle de l’Union Européenne. Pedone: Paris, pp. 29-48.
Marzal, T. (2019) Le tournant de la proportionnalité: mythes et réalités. In: Réformer la Cour de cassation - le projet de réforme en débat : Actes du colloque du 11 avril 2019. IRJS Editions, pp. 95-106.
Marzal, T. Insider trading and economic transplants: the Lafonta case. In: Muir Watt, H. and Fernández-Arroyo, D. (eds.) Global Private International Law: Adjudicating Without Frontiers. Edward Elgar, 2019, p. 361-370
Marzal, T. Le champ d’application territorial du droit de l’Union européenne. In: Clément-Wilz, L. (ed.) Le rôle politique de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne. Bruylant, 2019, p. 101-120.
Moncrieff, L. (2019) A different kind of 'end of history' for corporate law. In: Christodoulidis, E., Dukes, R. and Goldoni, M. (eds.) Research Handbook on Critical Legal Theory. Series: Research handbooks in legal theory series. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, pp. 324-344.
Christodoulidis E, ‘Dogma, or the deep rootedness of obligation’ in Matthews D & S Veitch (eds) Law, Obligation, Community. Routledge, 2018, pp 3-17.
Christodoulidis E & J van der Walt, ‘Critical legal Studies: Europe’ in Dubber M & C Tomlins, The Oxford Handbook of Legal History, pp 577 - 602.
Farmer, L “Civility, Obligation and Criminal Law” in D Matthews & S Veitch (eds), Law, Obligation, Community (Routledge, 2018).
Farmer, L “Innocence, the Burden of Proof and Fairness in the Criminal Trial: Revisiting Woolmington v DPP (1935) in J Jackson & S Summers (eds.), Obstacles to Fairness in Criminal Proceedings (Hart Publishing, 2018).
Moncrieff, L. (2018) On the company's bounded sense of social obligation. In: Matthews, D. and Veitch, S. (eds.) Law, Obligation and Community. Series: Critical studies in jurisprudence. Routledge: Abingdon.
Pavlakos, G. (2018) Revamping associative obligations. In: Khurshid, S., Malik, L. and Rodriguez-Blanco, V. (eds.) Dignity in the Legal and Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 337-360.
Christodoulidis E & Goldoni M (2017) ‘The Political Economy of European Social Rights’ in S Civitarese and S Halliday Social rights in the Europe of Austerity (Routledge).
Christodoulidis, E. (2017) Subjects and technologies of European governance: reflections on suspect crossings. In: Bardutzky, S. and Fahey, E. (eds.) Framing the Subjects and Objects of Contemporary EU Law. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK, pp. 64-71.
Doorey, D. and Dukes, R. (2017) Labour law and its last generation. In: Archer, S., Drache, D. and Zumbansen, P. (eds.) The Daunting Enterprise of the Law: Essays in Honour of Harry W. Arthurs. McGill-Queens University Press.
Farmer, L. (2017) Censure: Moral and Sociological. In: Amatrudo, A. (ed.) Social Censure and Critical Criminology: After Sumner. Palgrave Macmillan.
Farmer, L. (2017) DPP v. Morgan. In: Handler, P., Mares, H. and Williams, I. (eds.) Landmark Cases in Criminal Law. Hart Publishing.
Goldoni, M. and Marshall, P. (2017) Appreciating the prisoner’s dilemma. In: Agha, P. (ed.) Human Rights Between Law and Politics: The Margin of Appreciation in Post-National Contexts. Series: Modern studies in European law. Hart: Oxford.
Goldoni, M. (2017) Chris Thornhill: A Sociology of Transnational Constitutions. Social Foundations of the Post-National Legal Structure. Journal of Law and Society, 44(2), pp. 303-307. [Book Review]
Goldoni, M. and Cornell, A. J. (2017) The trajectory of the early warning system. In: Cornell, A. J. and Goldoni, M. (eds.) The National and Regional Parliaments in the EU-Legislative Procedure Post-Lisbon: The Impact of the Early Warning Mechanism. Hart: Oxford.
Goldoni, M. (2017) Rousseau’s radical constitutionalism and its legacy. In: Dowdle, M. W. and Wilkinson, M. A. (eds.) Constitutionalism Beyond Liberalism. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
Pavlakos, G (2017) : ‘Why Is Willing Irrelevant to the Grounding on Any Obligation? Remarks on A Ripstein’s Conception of Omni-lateral Willing’ in S Kisilevsky, S., and Stone M. (eds), Freedom and Force: Essays on Kant’s Legal Philosophy (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2017).
Pavlakos, G (2017) ‘The Metaphysics of Law: From Supervenience to Rational Justification’ In Brozek, B et al (eds), Supervenience and Normativity (Berlin and New York, Springer).
Pavlakos, G. (2017) A plea for moderate optimisation: On the structure of principles as interpersonal reasons. In: Browski, M., Paulson, S. L. and Sieckmann, J.-R. (eds.) Rechtsphilosophie und Grundrechtstheorie. Robert Alexys System. Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, Germany, pp. 395-410.
Marzal, T. (2022) From world actor to local community: territoriality and the scope of application of EU law. In: Azoulai, L. (ed.) European Union Law and Forms of Life: Madness or Malaise? Hart. (In Press)
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2021) Post-industrial justice: normativity and empiricism in a changing world of work. In: van Seters, P. (ed.) The Anthem Companion to Philip Selznick. Anthem Press.
Dukes, R. (2021) The politics of method in the field of labour law. In: Bartl, M., Cebulak, P. and Lawrence, J. (eds.) The Politics of European Legal Research: Behind the Method. Edward Elgar.
Dukes, R. (2021) Il lavoro e la costituzione. In: Caruso, C. and Valentini, C. (eds.) Grammatica del Costituzionalismo. Il Mulino.
Dukes, R. and Streeck, W. (2021) From social norms to legal norms: regulating work in post-neoliberal political economies. In: Kaneff, D. and Endres, K. W. (eds.) Explorations in Economic Anthropology. Berghahn Books, pp. 134-144.
Farmer, L. (2021) Responsibility, criminalisation and political economy. In: Solanke, I. (ed.) On Crime, Society and Responsibility. Oxford University Press.
Pavlakos, G. (2021) A non-naturalist account of law’s place in reality. In: Brożek, B., Hage, J. and Vincent, N. (eds.) Law and Mind: A Survey of Law and the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge University Press.
Christodoulidis, E (2020) ‘The Myth of Democratic Governance’ in Poul Kjaer (ed) The Law of Political Economy. Cambridge University Press
Christodoulidis, E (2020) Simone Weil’s Poem of Force and the Meaning of Courage, in Samantha Besson and Samuel Jubé, (eds) Concerter les Civilisations. Paris: Seuil
Dukes, R (2020) ‘The liberal socialist tradition in UK labour law’. In: Bogg, A., Rowbottom, J. and Young, A.L. (eds.) The Constitution of Social Democracy. Hart Publishing.
Goldoni, M. (2020) Il momento ordinante. In: Goldoni, M. (ed.) La teoria del potere costituente. Quodlibet: Rome, pp. 9-26.
Pavlakos, G (2020) Redrawing the legal relation. In: Fabra-Zamora, J.L. (ed.) Jurisprudence in a Globalized World. Edward Elgar, pp. 174-195.
Christodoulidis, E, (2019) ‘Critical Theory and the Law’ in Christodoulidis, Dukes, Goldoni (eds.) Research Handbook on Critical legal Theory Edward Elgar publishing. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3245411
Christodoulidis, E. and Goldoni, M. (2019) Marxism and the political economy of law. In: Christodoulidis, E., Dukes, R. and Goldoni, M. (eds.) Research Handbook in Critical Legal Theory. Edward Elgar.
Christodoulidis, E, (2019) ‘”Les mots du droit” et le monde vécu’ in Alain Supiot (ed) Mondialisation ou globalisation? Les leçons de Simone Weil. Editions du Collège de France.
Christodoulidis, E. (2019) The ILO and the new ‘common sense’: reflections on a centenary. In: Bungenberg, M., Krajewski, M., Tams, C. J., Terhechte, J. P. and Ziegler, A. R. (eds.) European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2019. Series: European yearbook of international economic law (10). Springer: Cham, pp. 35-52.
Dukes, R. (2019) Critical Labour law: Then and Now. In: Christodoulidis, E., Dukes, R. and Goldoni, M. (eds.) Research Handbook in Critical Legal Theory. Edward Elgar.
Dukes, R. (2019) Insiders, Outsiders and Conflicts of Interest. In: Ashiagbor, D. (ed.) Re-Imagining Labour Law for Development: Informal Work in the Global North and South. Hart.
Farmer, L “Trafficking, the Anti-Slavery Project and the Making of the Modern Criminal Law” in R Haverkamp, E Herlin-Karnell & C Lernestedt (eds), What’s Wrong with Human Trafficking (Hart Publishing, 2019)
Farmer, L “Wrongs” (with C Kennedy) in P Goodrich (ed), A Cultural History of Law in the Early Modern Age, 1500-1680 (Bloomsbury, 2019)
Farmer, L. (2019) 'Subverting the Settled Order of Things’: The crime of sedition in Scotland, 1793-1849. In: Davis, M. T., McLeod, E. and Pentland, G. (eds.) Political Trials in the Age of Revolutions: Britain and the North Atlantic, 1793—1848. Series: Palgrave histories of policing, punishment and justice. Palgrave: Cham.
Goldoni, M. and McCorkindale, C. (2019) Political constitutionalism. In: Sellers, M. and Kirste, S. (eds.) Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Springer: Netherlands.
Goldoni, M. (2019) From structure to integration: the trajectory of the material constitution. In: Jouin, C. (ed.) La constitution matérielle de l’Union Européenne. Pedone: Paris, pp. 29-48.
Marzal, T. (2019) Le tournant de la proportionnalité: mythes et réalités. In: Réformer la Cour de cassation - le projet de réforme en débat : Actes du colloque du 11 avril 2019. IRJS Editions, pp. 95-106.
Marzal, T. Insider trading and economic transplants: the Lafonta case. In: Muir Watt, H. and Fernández-Arroyo, D. (eds.) Global Private International Law: Adjudicating Without Frontiers. Edward Elgar, 2019, p. 361-370
Marzal, T. Le champ d’application territorial du droit de l’Union européenne. In: Clément-Wilz, L. (ed.) Le rôle politique de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne. Bruylant, 2019, p. 101-120.
Moncrieff, L. (2019) A different kind of 'end of history' for corporate law. In: Christodoulidis, E., Dukes, R. and Goldoni, M. (eds.) Research Handbook on Critical Legal Theory. Series: Research handbooks in legal theory series. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, pp. 324-344.
Christodoulidis E, ‘Dogma, or the deep rootedness of obligation’ in Matthews D & S Veitch (eds) Law, Obligation, Community. Routledge, 2018, pp 3-17.
Christodoulidis E & J van der Walt, ‘Critical legal Studies: Europe’ in Dubber M & C Tomlins, The Oxford Handbook of Legal History, pp 577 - 602.
Farmer, L “Civility, Obligation and Criminal Law” in D Matthews & S Veitch (eds), Law, Obligation, Community (Routledge, 2018).
Farmer, L “Innocence, the Burden of Proof and Fairness in the Criminal Trial: Revisiting Woolmington v DPP (1935) in J Jackson & S Summers (eds.), Obstacles to Fairness in Criminal Proceedings (Hart Publishing, 2018).
Moncrieff, L. (2018) On the company's bounded sense of social obligation. In: Matthews, D. and Veitch, S. (eds.) Law, Obligation and Community. Series: Critical studies in jurisprudence. Routledge: Abingdon.
Pavlakos, G. (2018) Revamping associative obligations. In: Khurshid, S., Malik, L. and Rodriguez-Blanco, V. (eds.) Dignity in the Legal and Political Philosophy of Ronald Dworkin. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK, pp. 337-360.
Christodoulidis E & Goldoni M (2017) ‘The Political Economy of European Social Rights’ in S Civitarese and S Halliday Social rights in the Europe of Austerity (Routledge).
Christodoulidis, E. (2017) Subjects and technologies of European governance: reflections on suspect crossings. In: Bardutzky, S. and Fahey, E. (eds.) Framing the Subjects and Objects of Contemporary EU Law. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK, pp. 64-71.
Doorey, D. and Dukes, R. (2017) Labour law and its last generation. In: Archer, S., Drache, D. and Zumbansen, P. (eds.) The Daunting Enterprise of the Law: Essays in Honour of Harry W. Arthurs. McGill-Queens University Press.
Farmer, L. (2017) Censure: Moral and Sociological. In: Amatrudo, A. (ed.) Social Censure and Critical Criminology: After Sumner. Palgrave Macmillan.
Farmer, L. (2017) DPP v. Morgan. In: Handler, P., Mares, H. and Williams, I. (eds.) Landmark Cases in Criminal Law. Hart Publishing.
Goldoni, M. and Marshall, P. (2017) Appreciating the prisoner’s dilemma. In: Agha, P. (ed.) Human Rights Between Law and Politics: The Margin of Appreciation in Post-National Contexts. Series: Modern studies in European law. Hart: Oxford.
Goldoni, M. (2017) Chris Thornhill: A Sociology of Transnational Constitutions. Social Foundations of the Post-National Legal Structure. Journal of Law and Society, 44(2), pp. 303-307. [Book Review]
Goldoni, M. and Cornell, A. J. (2017) The trajectory of the early warning system. In: Cornell, A. J. and Goldoni, M. (eds.) The National and Regional Parliaments in the EU-Legislative Procedure Post-Lisbon: The Impact of the Early Warning Mechanism. Hart: Oxford.
Goldoni, M. (2017) Rousseau’s radical constitutionalism and its legacy. In: Dowdle, M. W. and Wilkinson, M. A. (eds.) Constitutionalism Beyond Liberalism. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
Pavlakos, G (2017) : ‘Why Is Willing Irrelevant to the Grounding on Any Obligation? Remarks on A Ripstein’s Conception of Omni-lateral Willing’ in S Kisilevsky, S., and Stone M. (eds), Freedom and Force: Essays on Kant’s Legal Philosophy (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2017).
Pavlakos, G (2017) ‘The Metaphysics of Law: From Supervenience to Rational Justification’ In Brozek, B et al (eds), Supervenience and Normativity (Berlin and New York, Springer).
Pavlakos, G. (2017) A plea for moderate optimisation: On the structure of principles as interpersonal reasons. In: Browski, M., Paulson, S. L. and Sieckmann, J.-R. (eds.) Rechtsphilosophie und Grundrechtstheorie. Robert Alexys System. Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, Germany, pp. 395-410.